Wootton Cluster Holiday Helping Hands
Please support a Cabin John family in need by purchasing gifts or donating money through the Holiday Helping Hands program. Check out our website for more information. Links are in the attached flyer.
Cougar Pride
Please support a Cabin John family in need by purchasing gifts or donating money through the Holiday Helping Hands program. Check out our website for more information. Links are in the attached flyer.
CJMS PTSA is funded primarily through our memberships and donations. Along with the many ongoing initiatives that PTSA supports (Book War Club, Reflections, etc), we are re-starting the construction initiative for a greenhouse at CJMS! We can’t do it without your support! Membership Information: Ways to join the CJMS PTSA: **Preferred Method** AtoZConnect (payment can be…
We are inviting all of our wonderful cluster schools to please come out and cheer on our Boys Churchill Varsity Football Team this Friday evening, Nov 10th at 6:30pm. Our Varsity Team plays Gaithersburg in the 4A West Region Semifinals at Churchill High School. Also, ABC 7 Sportscaster Scott Abrams will once again be broadcasting…
Read More “Friday Night Lights! WCHS Football 11/10/23 — 4A Region Semi-Finals” »
Join the CJMS coding club, a club where students will learn the foundations of computer science and the basics of programming languages such as Python and will use those skills in fun projects and exercises. For more information about the club, visit this link: https://tinyurl.com/CJcode2324 This club is very beginner-friendly, open to anyone with any level…
Attention: 6th Grade Parents — Principal’s Tea on Wednesday, October 25 On Wednesday, October 25 we will hold our 6th grade Principal’s Tea for parents/guardians of 6th grade students. Come and talk with the CJMS Admin team about topics specific to 6th grade. We look forward to seeing you at the 6th grade Principal’s Tea on Wednesday October 25 at 7 PM in the CJMS…
The WCHS Booster Club invites you to check out their basketball store! Basketball Season is around the corner and it’s time to get ready by ordering your 2023-24 Boys Basketball gear from the team store. Store closes Oct. 31st: https://wchsbulldogsbasketball23.itemorder.com/shop/home/
Join us on Wednesday, Oct 11th at 6PM for presentations and discussions regarding student mental health, mental illness and signs to look out for. See the attached flyer for details.
The Wootton PTSA invites all CJMS students to attend the Fall Festival on Saturday, Oct 14th from 12-4PM.
Mark your calendar! CJMS Media Center and PTSA are hosting our Fall Book Fair on October 6th – October 13th (will close on 10/9). We need your help to make our fair a success! Please review the volunteer slots and consider donating your time to this fun event: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0D4CAAAB2BA57-44435583-cjms Please reach out to Yen Wang, Book Fair Chair,…
The Churchill volleyball players and coaches will host a clinic for 4th to 8th grade boys and girls on Saturday, October 14th. See attached flyer for details.