On behalf of the Cabin John Middles School Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA), I would like to welcome everyone to the 2023-2024 school year! The PTSA is busy gearing up for another great year. We are very excited to continue the great programs we have offered in the past and with the administration’s help we will improve and expand our support to the students, teachers, and staff.
Listed below is some very important information on the CJMS PTSA and how you can support our efforts. We can’t do any of this without your help via membership, donations, and participation!
Some of the ongoing programs supported by the PTSA
- Back to School Picnic and Parent Social – See old friends and meet new ones; learn about after-school activities! Watch for the additional details, and save the date Thursday, September 7th from 4pm – 7pm!
- After-School Programs – The PTSA helps support activities like First Lego League, Odyssey of the Mind, and morer. Please see the additional information in this mailing which details many of the planned after school programs throughout the year.
- Outdoor Ed – 6th grade – The PTSA provides funding for evening entertainment (DJ and reptile show) and assists with students who need financial support.
- Teacher Appreciation – We provide special meals and treats for the teachers during the school year to show our appreciation for all they do.
- No Place for Hate – The PTSA and CJMS will be partnering over the next year with the Anti-Defamation League to designate CJMS as a “No Place for Hate” school, providing resources for students, staff, and parents to help ensure a welcoming learning environment.
- Mental Health Week – The PTSA provides funding to support CJMS activities to promote mental health awareness.
NEW initiative requested for 2023-2024
Science Greenhouse – Cabin John would like to start raising funds to restart the construction of a science greenhouse initiative, similar to other middle schools in our area.
Upcoming Events
Do not miss these upcoming events! Check out the PTSA school calendar at www.cabinjohnptsa.org!
- Wednesday, August 30th, 6pm-8:30pm – PTSA Back to School Night
- Please join us at 6:00 p.m. for the following Back to School Night Activities:
- 6:00 p.m. – PTSA meet & greet in the activity lobby. Please join us to approve our amended budget and new PTSA board members.
- 6:00 p.m. – Room 1301 – Health Materials Review for 7th and 8th grade parents only
- 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. – Visit your students daily classes period by period. Parents and guardians will have a chance during their students’ lunch period to talk with Ms. Snider & the grade level administrators in the cafeteria.
- PTSA Welcome Back Picnic – September 7th, 4pm-7pm – Come out and reconnect with old friends and meet new ones! We look forward to meeting everyone!
- PTSA General meetings – December, March, June. Please stay tuned for more info on dates/times.
How You Can Help Your School!
☞ Join the PTSA – Your membership pays for ongoing PTSA sponsored events, National, State, and Local PTA fees plus helps with our basic operating expenses and is a primary mechanism to fund the above initiatives. ONLY PTSA members receive access to CJMS student directory (on computer and phone app.) The cost for membership is $50 for family memberships and $30 for single parent. For an additional $10 your student can also join the PTSA. Joining the PTSA allows you to vote in elections and receive early access to SSL events and other activities.
Join through our website link at https://cabinjohnptsa.membershiptoolkit.com/
☞ Donate to the PTSA – We don’t have an aggressive fundraising campaign and rely on our membership and donation drives for much of our support to the school community. We don’t want to sell trinkets or charge admission for our picnic, movie night, international night, and other PTSA-supported programs. We ask each of our families to donate, in addition to the membership, what they can ($75/child suggested) to aid in providing all the support our school needs to be the best it can. Please give what you can, comfortably, as we are striving for 100% participation!
☞ Volunteer Opportunities! PTSA is a volunteer-based organization, and we are dependent on our parents to manage the organization and plan events. Please consider giving some of your time to this worthwhile effort to support our school community. There are so many ways you can volunteer to assist to fit what might work in your schedule. The school needs parents for Committee Chairs, School store, event support, Financial Park, Career Day, Outdoor Ed, and more. Your level of commitment can be as little as one afternoon, one event, or a year-long commitment. Please see the following link to see the open Chair and Committee roles or email pres.cjms@gmail.com to match you with a volunteer position.
☞ Attend PTSA meetings: We host informative and social meetings with dynamic speakers. We will have updates on the changing aspects of our school from Ms. Snider. You do not need to be a PTSA member to attend meetings or activities.
Yen Wang
CJMS PTSA President 2023-2024