Draft Minutes PTSA Meeting 10.14.14
- Welcome Olga Bloch, President PTSA
- Thanks to Dara and Reem for organizing a great picnic
- We encourage everyone to sign up for one of the Career lunch presentations for the 8th graders.
Dr. Smith, Principal CJMS
— Picnic, Back to School, and Open house were all great.
Open house had +/- 366 parents, which is a great turnout.
- PTSA Membership update, given by Mandy Lemar:142 Student Memberships955 Total Memberships
- 30 Teachers Memberships
- 783 Parent Memberships
- Giant Card numbers – announced by Mandy Lemar
–Please have your students send in grocery card numbers; it is a great fundraiser for the school. A raffle will be held for students who bring in numbers.
- Spirit Wear Sales – announced by Olga Bloch
— Deadline to order spirit wear is October 24th, to order please contact
Suzanne Berman CJMSSpirit@gmail.com
- Career Lunches – announced by Olga Bloch
–Speakers are needed for Career Lunches (30 minute presentations on how you got from 8th grade to your current career; Please contact Jeanne Segal: segaljeanne@gmail.com)
- Review Budget – announced by Olga Bloch –tabled until next meeting.
- Upcoming Events:
1. October 16th ,2014 at The Burger Joint, Restaurant Night
2. Holiday Cookie Exchange in December 12th, 2014
3. PTSA Meeting January 13th 7pm ,
Coping Strategies for Anxious Kids, with Dr. Erin Burman
- Growth Mindset Initiative Presentation, given by
Mr. Brandt, 7th grade English teacher and AEIST (Accelerated and Enriched Instruction Support Teacher)
Mr. McCutcheon- 7th grade team leader and World Studies teacher
Ms. Knox, English Resource Teacher, Lead English Teacher, and 7th & 8th grade Reading Teacher
(PDF of powerpoint presentation attached – Brandt, Growth Mindset Powerpoint 10.14.2014