The MCCPTA Gifted Child Committee and the Gifted and Talented Association of Montgomery County (GTA) seek your help to advocate on an urgent issue facing MCPS families. The Superintendent’s FY 2019 recommended budget proposes significant cuts to the Division of Accelerated and Enriched Instruction (AEI), including eliminating the position of AEI Director, which will result in major reductions in both program capacity and MCPS leadership in meeting the needs of advanced learners. How you can help:
-Attend! A budget hearings is being held on Jan. 16.
-Sign! Please consider signing a petition to protect AEI’s current staffing and programming. gifted-protest-mcps-budget- cuts-to-aei
-Call! Leave a phone message for the BOE about your thoughts on cutting leadership and positions from AEI at 301-279-3617.
-Write! Consider sending your thoughts and comments on the cuts to AEI to Dr. Smith and the Board of Education.