Dear Cabin John Parents:
Every three years, all PTAs/PTSAs are required to resubmit their bylaws to the state PTA for review and approval. This means that CJMS is due to have the Maryland PTA review and approve the Cabin John Middle School PTSA, Inc. bylaws by the end of May 2015. This process is a good opportunity to review our bylaws and determine whether revisions or changes should be made. After careful review, the CJMS PTA Board of Directors is recommending adopting the newest version of the MD PTA bylaws with a few changes that are tailored to our PTA’s specific needs. The recommended version is attached to this email.
Some of the proposed changes from the previous set of CJMS PTA by laws (which can be found at are as follows:
- Change the number of Nominating Committee members from five (5) to three (3). It has proved difficult to find five members to serve on the Committee.
- Defined the duties of the 2nd Vice President to act as another aide to the president, and to fulfill other duties as appropriate.
- Change the makeup of the Board of Directors to consist solely of the officers of the CJMS PTA, and to change the makeup of the Executive Committee to include elected officers, chairs of standing committees, delegates of the PTA council, the school principal and the CJMS student government president. This change allows the groups to operate in a manner consistent with their current operation.
- Simplify Article X and adopt the MD PTA’s language with respect to standing and special committees.
If you have any comments to the proposed changes, please feel free to contact me. Please note that there are certain changes we cannot make under the MD PTA rules. These provisions are identified with a “#” in front of the provision.
Please join us at the CJMS PTSA meeting on March 13, 2015 at 7 pm where we will be discussing the proposed changes and voting on their adoption. We need a quorum of PTSA members (12) to be able to vote.
Dana Pashkoff
CJMS PTA By-Laws Review Committee Chair
Additions to ARTICLE X Committees
Section 8. Upon expiration of the term of office or in case or resignation, each standing or special committee chair shall turn over to the president, within fourteen (14) days, all records, books, materials pertaining to the office, and shall return to the treasurer, immediately, any funds pertaining to the office..
Section 9. The president and treasurer of this local PTSA cannot serve as chairs of any standing committees.
Cabin John Middle School PTSA, Inc., approved at March ___, 2015 meeting.