Check this info for AFTER school language classes with FLES.
6th graders who took FLES in elementary school wont get a language class again till 7th grade. FLES gives them a way to stay in practice.
Middle School Beginner
An exciting introduction to a new language and culture where students learn while having fun! The emphasis is on communication and students use their new language to play imaginative, interactive games and activities, sing, act out dialogues and practice speaking Spanish, French or Chinese. Beginner level classes give 6th graders a valuable “jump start” prior to school day world language classes.
Middle School Intermediate/Advanced
Students explore their community and begin to read, write and express themselves with expanding confidence. Challenging small group activities, games and creative workbooks provide a variety of fun opportunities for children to explore new and favorite topics and make meaningful conversation together – all in another language! The year culminates with a writing project, cultural event or a visit to a local embassy. Intermediate/Advanced level classes allow students who started FLES in elementary school to continue making progress.
Spanish, French and Chinese offered on Thursdays after school at Cabin John for 24 weeks/$400*
For more about classes at your school contact : Olga Maupin
*Tuition may be paid in installments.
To set up a payment plan call Big Learning FLES
Let the World In After School!
FLES language classes begin October 2014!
A nonprofit founded by MCCPTA in 1097! 301-592-0861
Register online today!