Do you have a talent that you’d like to share? Whether it’s singing, dancing, acrobatics, juggling, playing a musical instrument, magic, comedy, or some other special skill, we want you to showcase your talent!
Auditions for the annual CJMS Talent Show will be held on Tuesday, September 30 and Thursday, October 2 from 2:50 to 4:00 PM in the CJMS auditorium. 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students are all welcome to audition. Interested students should prepare a 1-minute audition piece. Singers MUST bring a physical CD with a backing or instrumental track. Music with lead vocals and/or music on a phone or MP3 device cannot be used for the audition. Please see Mr. O’Halloran in room 2225 if you have any questions.
In order to audition, students must sign-up for an audition slot in advance at the following website: Students must also bring a completed audition form with them to the audition. Click on the link below to download the form. Forms may also be picked up outside room 2225. This form must be fully completed PRIOR to your audition. Students who are late for their audition, who do not have a completed audition form, and/or who come without necessary equipment for their act may lose their audition slot.
We look forward to seeing you at the auditions!
Mr. O’Halloran and Ms. Larrain
Got a question? E-mail the directors!
Mr. O’Halloran: Derek_O’
Ms. Larrain: