Our final PTSA meeting for the 2021-2022 SY is Tuesday, May 24, at 7 pm. Please join us via Zoom as we will be presenting the nominating committee’s slate of officers for the 2022-2023 SY. We are still seeking parents to fill vacant board and committee positions.
Volunteering for the PTSA board is a great way to meet other parents and connect with CJMS faculty. The PTSA has traditionally done so much for CJMS, we hope that you will consider volunteering. No experience necessary! Please reach out to ptsa.cjms@gmail.com if you are interested and with any questions.
- President (VACANT): Leads the PTSA toward specific goals chosen by its members. Works closely with Ms. Snider as school liaison.
- Vice President 1 (VACANT): Oversees PTSA committee chairs and activities. Provides a backstop and support for the president position. Attends monthly officer meetings.
- Vice President 2 — Tekia Stokes
- Treasurer — Isha Patel
- Secretary (VACANT): Collects information for meeting agendas before the meeting and distributes agendas for each board meeting. Takes minutes and records business transacted at each meeting (board and general meetings).
*Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 832 1090 7407
Passcode: 661699
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