Have you ever wondered what life was like at a certain school of magic for a non-hero? This magical production follows seven increasingly eventful years of wizard, Wayne Hopkins, as he and his underdog friends try to find ways to be heroes in a world where only one boy seems to get the credit–you know, the one with the lightening shaped scar. Those who love the Potter series will be treated to witty nods to original stories, while novices and superfans alike will find a play filled with heart, action, and laugh-out-loud comedy.
Join us for family-friendly night of entertainment at Thomas S. Wootton High School. Puffs will run November 11-13 at 7:00 P.M. with matinees on November 13-14 at 2:00 P.M. Tickets are only $7.00. Get your tickets now— here!
See the production flyer for additional details.