The 2018-2019 school year Calendar was recently presented by our Superintendent at the Board Of Education (BOE) business meeting last Tuesday. The calendar is largely constrained by the Governor’s executive order to start after Labor Day and end by June 15th. It leaves little room to include various holidays, professional days and a full spring break that our families have come to expect. The county is presenting five scenarios, none of which alter the school start and end dates or state-mandated holidays but do keep with the minimum number of 180 school instructional days. The calendar decision is largely in the hands of the BOE now but any and all feedback will continue to be shared with them by MCPS. The final calendar decision will be announced by the BOE in December.
MCPS continues to seek input via their calendar feedback page linked here
Additionally, you may also advocate that Governor Hogan rescind his executive order and once again allow our local school board to decide the calendar for our schools. The link to submit your note is here http://www.governor.mary