FREE PTSA Sponsored Screening of the movie “SCREENAGERS”
Where: CJMS Media Center (or Cafeteria if demand is what we anticipate)
When: Brief PTSA Meeting – 6:30pm, Movie -7pm
Who: Parents/Guardians AND Children
What is Screenagers, you ask?:
“Screenagers is a very balanced, sympathetic and sane look at the way millions of teens are struggling with phones and games and technology in general. In part by letting the teens themselves speak about their own concerns and solutions. Screenagers is deeply affecting, too.”
This is a topic WE ALL struggle with, and hope as a member of the PTSA, you are invited to join us (and bring your children) to view this documentary.
To RSVP, please go to
For more info see attached flyer or email to [email protected]