Book Fair – We need a volunteer or 2 to assist our wonderful Media Specialist with a Scholastic Book Fair – If you helped in your ES you know how easy and turn key this can be. Looking at dates in Early Nov. so we need to secure help now.
First Annual CJMS International Night– We want to start an International Night at CJMS next year! We have a veteran International Night chairperson but she is looking for a co-chair! Contact us and we will put you in touch. We are hoping to have this night in May 2017.
Are you a Stone Mill ES or Cold Spring Parent? Do you want to be more involved in child’s education and help CJMS be better represented in Wootton cluster meetings? We are looking for a future Wootton parent who can help us attend a few meetings a year and make sure our needs are communicated to the Wootton cluster and like-wise bring important info back to our PTSA for disbursement. Most meetings are evenings so it could be great position for a working parent.
Do you LOVE Facebook? Can you help us manage timely PTSA event and some fun posts for next school year?
Box Top chair chairperson? Help us manage and facilitate our CJMS box top program. This program helps the school raise money just by eating products you already have. If you can help let us know and we can connect you with our graduating box top chair.
Copy Chairperson – Can you help us with our PTSA copy needs. This helps us save money so we don’t need to use outside printers.
Take a look HERE at which positions are OPEN for 2016-2017.
If you don’t see something that interests you LET US KNOW! We can work with your availability and skills to find a good fit or match you with a partner so it’s less work. We cannot offer these programs without your help.
Any questions or to volunteer please contact current PTSA President Mandy Lemar : [email protected]