Cabin John Middle School
10701 Gainsborough Road
Potomac, Maryland 20854-2599
(301) 469-1150
May 27, 20854
Dear Cabin John Middle School Parents and Guardians,
The purpose of this letter is to inform you of my retirement from Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) effective July 1, 2016.
It is with mixed emotions that I inform you of this decision. Whereas I am experiencing a sense of joy, I am also somewhat sad to be exiting MCPS and Cabin John Middle School (CJMS). It has been my pleasure to be the principal of our school for the past twelve (12) years. As you know, CJMS is a great school. It is a challenge for me to express the pride I feel for our school, students, staff, and families.
All of my MCPS assignments have been rich and rewarding experiences. However, being the Principal of Cabin John Middle School (CJMS) for the past twelve (12) years has, by far, been among the best years of my professional career. This assignment has really taught me a lot about the field of education and how to be an educational leader. Every day, I learned from my CJMS students and staff members. Until July 1st, I will continue to work on CJMS tasks related to the preparation of the 2016-2017 school year, as well as tasks associated with the successful closing of this school year.
Dr. Michael Zarchin, our Director of School Support and Improvement will begin the process for selecting a new principal very soon. Parent/Guardian and staff member participation will be very important parts in the process.
I am truly thankful to have been given the opportunity to work at CJMS. I also appreciate the support received from our staff and parent/guardians. Finally, my CJMS family will always have a special place in my heart.
Thank you for your partnership in the education of our CJMS students, for rewarding years, and for many great memories.
Dr. Paulette L. Smith
Retirement Letter to CJMS Parents & Guardians – 05-27-16