Following are useful updates/blurbs from MCPS Office of Communications January 2016 Communications Update
Winter 2016 Parent Academy
The MCPS Parent Academy is back with an exciting lineup of free workshops for parents! Parent Academy workshops give parents useful tips and tools to support their children’s success in and out of school. A wide array of topics will be covered during the winter session, including college and career planning, helping teens manage stress, literacy, the MCPS operating budget, recognizing child abuse and neglect, and much more. All of the workshops are free and are held at schools and locations throughout Montgomery County. Childcare and interpretation services are provided.
To see the schedule of workshops and to register, visit
PARCC Night Set for Monday, Feb. 1
MCPS is hosting an event for parents to learn more about the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) assessments. The event will be held at 7 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 1, at Richard Montgomery High School, 250 Richard Montgomery Dr. in Rockville. MCPS staff will be on hand to help parents understand their children’s score reports from the spring 2015 administration of the PARCC tests. In addition, staff will share an overview of PARCC and information on upcoming changes for the 2016 administration of the tests. Free childcare (ages 4 and older) and foreign language interpretation will be provided.
Library Link—Connecting Students to Adventure, Exploration and Excitement
Montgomery County Public Schools is partnering with the Montgomery County Public Libraries to launch Library Link, a new countywide initiative aimed to ensure every child enrolled in school has access to a library card. This program is part of the national ConnectED Library Challenge, led by the Institute of Museum and Library Services, a federal agency supporting libraries. With 21 branches across Montgomery County, libraries have millions of books, magazines, movies, and more for children to borrow. Libraries also serve as digital hubs to connect students to Internet resources, and offer important tools such as test preparation materials, electronic databases, world language materials, and quiet spaces for children to do homework. You’ll hear more about Library Link in the coming months.