CJMS Nominating committee has submitted the following names for the PTSA Board for next year. We will vote on this slate our final general membership meeting of the year on May 12th. The vote will take place at 7pm and we need a quorum (12) of PTSA members to pass the vote. Please help us and support this slate by attending this meeting and voting. Thank you to our nominating committee : Irina Gabidoulline (chairperson,) Dara Baylinson, Reem Najjar, Jane Burns and Adriana Lacerda for vetting the candidates.
Mandy Lemar – president – ([email protected]) (current 1st VP)
Amy Gordon – VP ([email protected])
Marium Parveen – VP ([email protected])
Mary Tousi – treasurer – ([email protected])
Cathy Cardno – Secretary – ([email protected]) (current secretary)