Please help us keep our PTSA sponsored programs going strong at CJMS. We need some help with positions next year. Now is a great time to express interest so you can help the current chair person and learn the ropes for next year. We will take your name too if you just want to volunteer on a committee and not head it up! Email Mandy Lemar at [email protected] and let us know.
All committee needs listed HERE! PLEASE HELP IF YOU CAN!
High need areas:
Two Delegates needed – to alternate attending the MCCPTA delegate meeting on the 4th Tuesday of each month in Rockville. Take notes and report back to us or vote on pressing issues. Duties are split between 2 volunteers so you only need to attend every other month. More info here and here.
Cougar Clips editor and publisher – collect, edit if necessary and publish info to the community each Thursday AM via our website server.
After School Activity coordinator- Work with PTSA, school admin and PTSA to vet fun and appropriate after school classes for the students. We have learned a lot this year and are ready to pass on knowledge to someone who can take after school classes to the next level.